Jungle Carpet Pythons

Morelia spilota cheynei

I probably learned about Jungle Carpet pythons from reading Reptiles magazine back in the mid 1990s, and I'm sure it was from an ad in the back of one of those that I found the email address for Dave and Tracy Barker of VPI. I exchanged a couple of emails with Tracy and she sent me this picture below and that animal became my first carpet python purchase in 1998.

1997, Jinx, pic from breeder1997, Jinx, pic from breeder

Jinx has a stripe running the length of her body and the Barkers had tried proving that it was a reproducible trait but after a number of breedings they weren't able to get a fix on the genetics involved so they stopped the project.

A year after getting Jinx a friend of mine sold me Pirate Hans, who was already an adult at that time. He also sold me a jungle carpet that we named Jungle Boogie who passed away in the 2010s. Finally in 2021 I found Tarzan on a local online classified ad.

I feel like I need a few more jungles including one or more zebra jungles. So we'll see if I'm done bringing these in.

  • 1998, Jinx, perching for food
    1998, Jinx, perching for food
  • 2017, Jinx
    2017, Jinx
  • about 2000, Pirate Hans
    about 2000, Pirate Hans
  • 2021, Pirate Hans
    2021, Pirate Hans
  • 2021, Tarzan
    2021, Tarzan
  • 2022, Tarzan
    2022, Tarzan