Centralian Pythons

Morelia bredli

Centralian, or Bredl's, pythons are relatively new for me. I have two of the "pure hypo" Bredl's from Nick Mutton and they are absolutely gorgeous animals. I had heard that Bredl's were the tamest carpet pythons but apparently the hypomelanistic gene that I've bought into can be a bit flighty. Still, I have never been bitten by one - partly because I can dodge their strikes so well - but they are calming down with time. So maybe they have to get through the nippy phase that all carpet pythons go through in their first two years or so.

Mine are in their grow-up cages which have perches and are close to the door in and out of my reptile room so they are on display constantly and are amazing to see. I hope to breed them in 2024 and so I will need them in their bigger cages by then. During the winter of 2022/23 I brumated them for 3 months by placing them in a 50-55 F room at night and then bringing them back into the snake room and letting them sit with just ambient heat at 70-73 F during the day. Then I'd move them back at night. I intend to do this every year for them.

I should mention that I did get a baby Bredl's python as a trade in 2017. We named her Dark Life mainly because of the life choices she made while she was with us. She was definitely in her early, ugly phase but she was also difficult to get feeding. After about 9 months she did start eating for a few months, only to stop and basically request death-by-starvation, which was granted to her a few months later.

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